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data logger

Human Activity Monitor (HAM)

The GCDC Human Activity Monitor (HAM) is a compact self-recording data logger available with several sensor variants. Data from the digital sensors are time stamped using a real time clock and stored to internal flash memory in simple text format. When connected via the USB to a personal computer, the HAM appears as a standard mass storage device containing the comma delimited data files and the user setup file. The HAM includes an internal 250mAh lithium-polymer rechargeable battery, which will recharge using USB power. Read more about our data logger product-line features.

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  • Compact size (2.21"L 1.55"W 0.60"H, 0.9oz)
  • User selectable sample rates
  • Accurate time stamped data using Real Time Clock (RTC)
  • Data recorded to internal 8GB flash memory
  • Easily readable comma separated text data files
  • Internal hardwired rechargeable Lithium-Polymer battery, charges via USB
  • Data transfer compatible with Windows/Linux/Mac via USB interface (no special software required)
  • Product variants: HAM-x16, HAM-x16+alt HAM-x200, HAM-IMU+Alt

HAM-x16 Feature

  • 3-axis 16g digital accelerometer sensor
  • User selectable sample rates of 12, 25, 50, 100, 200, and 400 Hz
  • 16-bit resolution
  • Finite Impulse Response Filter to improve data quality


  • Same features as the HAM-x16 plus additional high precision barometric pressure sensor (BMP384)

HAM-x200 Feature

  • 3-axis 200g digital accelerometer sensor
  • User selectable sample rates of 12, 25, 50, 100, 200, and 400 Hz
  • 16-bit resolution
  • Finite Impulse Response Filter to improve data quality


  • 3-axis accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer
  • User selectable sample rates of 12, 26, 52, 104, 208, 416 Hz
  • High precision barometric pressure sensor (BMP384)

For more details, specifications, and how to use the HAM, please refer to the user manual (.pdf). The user manual includes an example data file and instructions for converting the data and time stamps.

The HAM logger is configured using a simple text file called config.txt located on the microSD card. Below is an example config.txt file for the HAM-IMU+alt:

        ; PRODUCT_ID = HAM-IMU+alt
        ; sensor data priority
        ; accel->gyro->mag->pressTemp
        ; sample rates must be in descending order
        ; load into spreadsheet as comma separated but
        ; do not merge delimitors 

       ; available sample rates are 12, 26, 52, 104, 208, and 416
       ; sample rate affects both accel and gyro
        ag_sampleRate = 104
       ; available HPF filter rate are 0, 16, 65, 260, 1000 milliHz
       ag_gyroHpf = 65
        ; available full scale ranges are 125 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 degrees per sec (dps)
        ag_gyroFullScale = 250
        ; available full scale ranges are 2, 4, 8 and 16 g
        ag_accelFullScale = 4
        ; availble sample rates are 1, 10, 20 50, 100 and 200 Hz, YES
        mag_SampleRate= 10

        ;add pressure to data stream
        ; the pressure interval is the pressure transucer measurement interval, in milliseconds
       ;add temperature to data stream
        ; the trigger is measured in meters above turn-on location
        ;press_triggerHeight = 50

        ; extra parameters to logger operation
       ;set file size to 60 minutes of data
        samplesperfile = 180000
        ; custom directory name
        ;dirname = /DATA
        ; custom file prefix
        ;filename = areo
        deadband = 0
        DeadBandTimeout = 5
        ; set timestamp to UTC seconds since Jan 1, 1970 instead of time since start of file
        ;control brightness of LEDs, values are 'off' or 'high'
        statusindicators = high
        ;uncomment following line to activate logger upon disconnect from USB

Data is stored to simple text formatted .csv type files, which are easily imported into any spreadsheet or analysis software (Matlab, Octave, R, etc). Below is a example data file:

        ;Title,, HAM-IMU
        ;Version, 2550, Build date, Aug  8 2023,  SN:CCDC1023F2A3E00
        ;Start_time, 2023-07-11, 14:08:55.750
        ;Uptime, 4,sec,  Vbat, 4184, mv, EOL, 3500, mv
        ;Deadband, 0, counts
        ;DeadbandTimeout, 5.000,sec
        ;BMP384, SI, 0.100,sec, Units, Pa, mdegC
        ;Alt Trigger disabled
        ;LSM6DSM, SR,104,Hz, Units, mG, mdps, fullscale gyro 250dps, accel 4g
        ;Magnetometer, SR,10,Hz, Units, nT, Temperature, 36,degC
        ;Time, Ax, Ay, Az, Gx, Gy, Gz, Mx, My, Mz, P, T